Five years ago, I began to explore career options as a teletherapist and online teacher as a way to add an additional income stream. As a private practice speech therapist, income would be sporadic at times as I waited for insurance companies to remit payment for my services to patients. I was initially reluctant to dive into providing therapy to children in an online … [Read more...] about Building Relationships in Remote Learning vs. Online Learning
Coffee Chat Blog
What Coronavirus Taught Me
Hello’s been a while since I typed a blog post. Did you miss me? I’ve been busy answering emails, sending messages, creating Zoom links, and graphics for seminars like crazy. I’m beyond thrilled that I treated myself to a keyboard that attaches to my iPad. It’s given me new life! Funny the things you come to appreciate that you never thought you’d appreciate … [Read more...] about What Coronavirus Taught Me
Benefits of Using a Secondary Reward System in Class
Benefits of using a secondary reward system in class. When to consider a secondary reward If you’re struggling with any of the following issues, consider using a secondary reward: Low student output and interest Misbehavior during the class Refusing to complete games or work Lack of focus and poor attention Some Advantages Although it’s not a magic potion, … [Read more...] about Benefits of Using a Secondary Reward System in Class
Feng What? Feng Shui!
Feng What? Feng Shui! Feng what? Feng Shui! 的风水 The Chinese characters for the words “Feng Shui” represent “wind” and “water.” They are symbols for creating a gentle flow of energy into your environment. This is an ancient Chinese practice with a core belief that correct arrangement of physical objects attracts positive vibes into your health, work, relationships, and … [Read more...] about Feng What? Feng Shui!
The Comparison Trap
The Comparison Trap We’re all guilty of it, especially women. We look on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Church, even our neighborhoods. The list goes on and on all we see is what we don’t have. We see the mom who looks like she’s got it all together at church. She looks like she hasn’t had one kid and is dressed in the latest fashions. Her kids are perfectly dressed and so … [Read more...] about The Comparison Trap